Шулуун Aarl Elution

Antibody cross-linking and target elution protocols used for

Background: Immunoprecipitation and subsequent 2D-PAGE/mass spectrometry are powerful tools to study post-translational protein modifications. Often disregarded in this workflow is the impact of the chemical cross-linker upon antibody affinity, as well as incomplete elution of primary target protein in buffers commonly used in 2D …

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Gold recovery from loaded activated carbon using different solvents

The most common commercial techniques for elution of gold cyanide from activated carbon are the Zadra and The Anglo American Research Laboratory (AARL) procedure. In the Zadra elution process, hot solutions of 1% weight/volume (w/v) sodium hydroxide and 0.2% w/v sodium cyanide are recycled through a gold cyanide-loaded …

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Modeling of gold elution from activated carbon using a …

A plug-flow model is described for the reactor mass balance of a typical AARL gold elution process. The model is in the form of a hyperbolic differential equation and …

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Fundamentals of the elution of gold cyanide from activated …

The equilibrium mode 1 was shown to be applicable to both the Zadra .and the AARL elution processes. Simul at i ans of exp·erimental data were presented as evidence of the validity of the models. Furthermore~ the models were used to perform a parametric sensitivity analysis and to predict the elution profiles during a continuous elution process.

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Atmospheric Elution Process

The normal elution system for treating this carbon is an AARL Split Elution, operating at 100 deg. C. A total of 20 bed volumes (10 + 10) are required to eluate the gold down to 200-300 ppm, an elution …

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Modular Elution Circuits with Gold Room

AARL. Traditional and Split AARL designs are available for the more traditional gold-cyanide elution process. OPTIONS, SUPPORT AND SPARE PARTS. All systems can be provided as complete carbon elution, regeneration and goldroom packages or you may opt to select only one of these modules.

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Modeling of gold elution from activated carbon using a modified AARL

A plug-flow model is described for the reactor mass balance of a typical AARL gold elution process. The model is in the form of a hyperbolic differential equation and was transformed using the method of characteristics. The transformed model was then solved simultaneously with models dependent on intraparticle surface diffusion and film …

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Effect of temperature, contact time, and agitation …

The Zadra elution process and the Anglo American Research Laboratory (AARL) process are the two major elution techniques that are currently used in the industry (Marsden and House, 2006), both of ...

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Modeling Of Gold Elution From Activated Carbon Using A Modified AARL

A plug-flow model is described for the reactor mass balance of a typical AARL gold elution process. The model is in the form of a hyperbolic differential equation and was transformed using the method of characteristics. The transformed model was then solved simultaneously with models dependent on intraparticle surface diffusion and film transfer …

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Cyanide-free AARL elutions are feasible | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Cyanide-free AARL elutions are feasible" by P. Boshoff. ... The application of activated carbon for the adsorption and elution of platinum group metals from dilute cyanide leach solutions. Journal of the Southern African … Expand. 28. 2 Excerpts; Save. Effect of temperature, contact time and agitation speed ...

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Modeling ofgold elution from activated carbon using a …

The eluate from the elution column was cooled by the cooling coil before discharge into the.receiving tank. Distilled water was used for each experiment as eluant.

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In the case of Anglo American Research Laboratories (AARL) elution, electrowinning is carried out on the complete batch of eluate produced by a single pass …

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Factors affecting the elution of gold cyanide from activated carbon

The horizontal position of the gold peak in an AARL elution profile was found to be a function of the elution of the cations from the carbon bed. High temperatures and intense cyanide pre-treatment, i.e. conditions favourable for desorption, decreased the sensitivity of gold elution to flow rate and the radial distribution of the gold through ...

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CHEM 344 Thin Layer Chromatography

is referred to as elution and the solvents used are eluting solvents. This overall procedure is referred to as "developing" the TLC plate. When the solvent front has nearly reached the top of the stationary phase, the plate is removed from the container, and the solvent front is marked with a pencil.

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Kinetics of elution of gold from activated carbon by zadra method

The horizontal position of the gold peak in an AARL elution profile was found to be a function of the elution of the cations from the carbon bed. High temperatures and intense cyanide pre ...

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Optimization of elution salt concentration in stepwise elution …

Fig. 1 shows typical elution curves of the hMab by the linear gradient elution experiment. I R of the hMab was determined at the peak position of elution curves in the chromatogram, and I R of residual protein A was determined at the center position of the fraction showing maximum protein A level. As shown in Fig. 1, residual protein A …

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Cyanide-free AARL elutions are feasible

Several factors affecting the elution of Pt, Pd and Au cyanide complexes in a manner similar to the AARL process have been investigated. Temperature, the cyanide pre-treatment concentration and the ionic strength of the eluant have been found to affect Pt and Pd elution substantially and will be critical factors in the design of an elution process.

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Selective elution of gold, silver and mercury cyanide from activated

A high-pressure laboratory elution rig was commissioned to simulate industrial Zadra and AARL elution conditions for the stripping of gold, silver and mercury from loaded activated carbon. It was found that cyanide was essential for the efficient elution of both mercury and silver, while gold was found to elute most effectively in hot, …

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OneMine | A review of the AARL process for the elution of …

Parameters affecting gold elution using the AARL process are reviewed and critically analyzed in an attempt to optimise metallurgical efficiency and minimise costs in both …

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Modelling of the AARL elution process | Semantic Scholar

The mechanism of elution of gold cyanide from activated carbon. Numerous articles have appeared on the mechanism of the adsorption of gold cyanide onto …

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AARL Carbon Stripping System Operation: Elution

This involves the soaking of the loaded carbon in a 3% HCL solution in order to remove impurities such as calcium, copper and magnesium which can impede both the elution step and the later adsorption of …

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(PDF) Recovery of Pt, Pd and Au from a cyanide solution …

Elution of the Pt and Pd, with the AARL elution process, was found to be effective with recoveries of 95% after 5 bed volumes of eluant at the optimum pre-treatment concentrations and a ...

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Gold Elution Systems

Strip solution (Elution) Heating Systems. Protherm Systems are actively involved in the design, manufacture supply of pre-assembled and skid mounted gold elution plant and have supplied many such installations …

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Factors affecting the elution of gold cyanide from activated …

The horizontal position of the gold peak in an AARL elution profile was found to be a function of the elution of the cations from the carbon bed. High temperatures and intense cyanide pre-treatment, i.e. conditions favourable for desorption, decreased the sensitivity of gold elution to flow rate and the radial distribution of the gold through ...

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AARL for toll elution

My Company is involved in toll elution using the pressurized Zadra (350-400kg carbon load), we are now considering using an AARL elution for toll carbon desorption as an upgrade from the pressurized Zadra and the Peter Goossen plants are there any possible challenges for treating different carbon ty

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Modelling of the AARL elution process | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Modelling of the AARL elution process" by G. Banini et al. Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu. Semantic Scholar's Logo. Search 220,678,454 papers from all fields of science. Search. Sign In Create Free Account.

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Cyanide-free AARL elutions are feasible

Minerals Engineering, Vol. 7, Nos 2/3, pp. 251-264, 1994 0892-6875/94 $6.00+0.00 Printed in Great Britain 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd CYANIDE-FREE AARL ELUTIONS ARE FEASIBLE P.T.E. BOSHOFF Anglo American Research Laboratories (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 106 Crown Mines 2025, South Africa (Received 15 July 1993; accepted 1 …

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Effect of temperature, contact time, and agitation speed …

The pronounced effect of the caustic cyanide pre-treatment step for the Anglo American Research Laboratory (AARL) gold elution process has been widely investigated, although research into the ...

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Carbon Stripping – Denver Mineral Engineers

With the AARL process, elution is normally proceeded by acid washing the carbon. Acid washing is used with all of the other stripping systems, but it is mentioned specifically with the AARL procedure, because AARL systems generally use the stripping vessel to acid wash and acid washing is, therefore, controlled as part of the stripping sequence ...

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Strategies For Optimisation of Gold Processing Plants

Optimisation of the 125°C AARL elution circuit at a small high grade gold mine in PNG in 1996 increased the weekly stripping rate from 6 to 21 strips/week. This facility had been badly bottlenecking the rest of the plant as it regularly campaigned up to 30gpt Au and 200gpt Ag. The increased stripping frequency, at the more elevated temperature ...

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Elution behaviour of metals from carbon

A laboratory-scale elution rig was commissioned to simulate Zadra and AARL carbon elution conditions, see Figure 1. The majority of the system was constructed from stainless steel tubing and Swagelok fittings. The elution column was ~600 mm long with an internal diameter of 25 mm, and a capacity of ~100 g of granulated activated carbon per ...

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ZADRA Elution Circuit Optimisation and Operational …

ZADRA elution circuit is critical. Unlike the AARL elution system, poor single pass extraction in a ZADRA process has a direct impact on the overall elution efficiency. The process was designed to ...

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chromatography tech note 5712 Mark Berardini,1 Sami T. Tuomivaara,2 Michael G. Hahn2 The Profinia protein purification system is an automated 1 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Laboratory Separations Division, Life Science Group, Hercules, CA 94547 2 University of Georgia, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, Athens, GA 30602 Introduction …

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Factors affecting the elution of Pt, Pd and Au cyanide from …

The AARL process consists of three significant steps; a hot acid wash followed by a hot (100–120 °C) caustic cyanide pre-treatment step for 30 min and afterwards elution with hot (100–120 °C) de-ionized water at high pressures (200–300 kPa). The most important factors affecting the precious metals elution process …

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The Role of Cyanide in the Elution of Gold from Activated …

This passivation, caused by the degradation of cyanide, is strongly temperature dependent. Free cyanide in the elution step of an AARL elution is of lesser importance than the cyanide in the pre-treatment step. Elution without cyanide is possible only after cold acid washing, and has been proven on plant scale._x000D_

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