pwm vsi индукцийн моторын баримт бичгийн загварчлал

Fast Calculation of Carrier Harmonic Loss in Permanent …

A method for fast calculating the high-frequency harmonic loss (HFHL) in the permanent magnet (PM) of interior PM synchronous machine under the pulsewidth modulated voltage source inverter supply is proposed. The combination of the frozen differential reluctivity tensor method and the linear frequency finite-element analysis …

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Analysis of current sampling errors in PWM, VSI drives

Current measurement and pulse-width modulation (PWM) are critical components of modern current controlled voltage source inverters (VSI). Current measurement enables accurate and robust closed-loop control of current, while PWM enables the efficient, high bandwidth regulation of the voltage. These two components do not operate …

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Comparative Analysis of Discontinuous and Continuous PWM Techniques …

Abstract: This paper reports on flux harmonic distortion factor and current ripple analysis for various discontinuous pulse-width-modulation (PWM) techniques, which are applicable in conjunction with five-phase two-level inverter-fed induction motors. The analysis is based on the application of the complex space vector approach. The results …

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This example shows a PWM VSI induction motor drive with a braking chopper for a 3HP AC motor. H.Blanchette, L.-A. Dessaint (Ecole de technologie superieure, Montreal) Description. The induction motor is fed by a PWM inverter, which is built using a Universal Bridge Block. The speed controller consists in a PI regulator that produces a slip ...

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Optimal design of VSI current controllers based on MPC approach

The existing PWM strategies, such as standard SVM and carrier-based PWM with 3 rd harmonic injection are compared to MPC-OSVM and re-evaluated. The paper presents extensive simulation results. View

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A Comprehensive Performance Study of Three-Level NPC VSI …

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive performance study of three-phase three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) VSI using the carrier-based sine PWM (SPWM) technique in a closed loop with an induction motor load. The line current THD, torque ripple, and dynamic response are considered as the performance parameters and compared …

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An Improved PWM Method of Five-Leg VSI Fed Dual-PMSM …

Driving two electric motors with a five-leg voltage source inverter (FL-VSI) by connecting one phase of each motor to a common leg possesses the advantage of reducing the number of power switches.

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VSI Induction Motor Drives: Voltage Source Inverter Control of Induction Motor allows a variable frequency supply to be obtained from a dc supply. Fig. 6.37 (a) shows a VSI …

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Carrier-based PWM-VSI overmodulation strategies: analysis, …

Abstract: In this paper, the overmodulation region voltage-gain characteristics and waveform quality of carrier-based pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) methods are investigated. Through detailed analytical study, voltage-gain characteristics are extracted independent of carrier frequency. The influence of blanking time and minimum pulsewidth (MPW) …

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An SMC-ESO-Based Distortion Voltage Compensation Strategy for PWM VSI

An SMC-ESO-Based Distortion Voltage Compensation Strategy for PWM VSI of PMSM

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Interleaved Discontinuous Space-Vector PWM for a Multilevel PWM VSI …

Abstract: A multilevel interleaved discontinuous space-vector pulsewidth modulation (DSVPWM) method is presented for a three-level three-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) voltage source inverter using a three-phase split-wound coupled inductor. The selection of a suitable PWM switching scheme for this topology is based …

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Current-Detection-Independent Dead-Time Compensation …

Dead-time insertion increases noise and torque pulsation in motors under open-loop constant V/f control, and it results in instability in motors under sensorless field-orientated control or direct torque control at low speed, degrading performance of motor drive systems. In order to overcome the drawback of dead-time insertion, a novel …

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Fast Calculation of PM eddy current loss in IPMSM under PWM VSI …

Abstract: When calculating the permanent magnet (PM) eddy current loss (ECL) in the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) under pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI) supply, it is very important to take the high frequency harmonic voltages (HFHVs) in the input voltage into consideration because most of the …

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analyzed in detail. The concept of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for inverters is described with analyses extended to different kinds of PWM strategies. Finally the simulation …

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Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter

This model shows a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI). The VSI is an inverter circuit which cre-ates AC current and voltage from a DC voltage source. Three different Pulse …

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Improved modulation techniques for PWM-VSI drives

PWM-VSI based AC motor drives have two main problems. The inverter is nonlinear which causes instability problems in some specific working points of the AC machine and it emits acoustical noise due to the switching frequency. Nonlinearities like dead-time in the power devices, a load dependent DC link voltage ripple and the voltage …

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Scheme and Simulation of SVPWM and SPWM based on two level VSI …

Photovoltaic (PV) system which is connected to the grid is one of the smooth grid system area that provides profusely of prospect for additional enhancement. Though from grid harmonizing technique, pulse width modulation (PWM) performance act as a crucial parameter in assembling the grid. This paper proposes the scheme and simulation of …

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[PDF] Carrier-based PWM-VSI overmodulation strategies: …

In this paper, the overmodulation region voltage-gain characteristics and waveform quality of carrier-based pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) methods are investigated. Through detailed analytical study, voltage-gain characteristics are extracted independent of carrier frequency. The influence of blanking time and minimum pulsewidth (MPW) …

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Analysis of current sampling errors in PWM, VSI drives

Pulse width modulated voltage source inverters (PWM VSI) for uninterruptible power supply (UPS), parallel redundant system applications require fast acting inverter output current and voltage control.

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Design and performance analysis of a grid connected PWM-VSI …

Abstract: Pulse-width modulation (PWM) voltage source inverters (VSIs) are favorable interface devices to the power grid for renewable energy systems. This paper deals with the design of the LCL-filter and inverter for the grid-connected VSI. A complete design procedure for both reactive and passive components of LCL-filter is demonstrated with a …

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Space Vector PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive

The Space Vector PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive block represents a classical closed-loop Volts/Hz control drive for induction motors. The block contains a closed-loop speed …

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(PDF) Current regulation of four-leg PWM/VSI

This paper presents hysteresis current regulation techniques of four-wire loads under balanced and unbalanced conditions, using a three-phase inverter with a neutral leg.

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On-line dead-time compensation technique for open-loop PWM-VSI …

A new on-line dead-time compensation technique for low-cost open-loop pulsewidth modulation voltage-source inverter (PWM-VSI) drives is presented. Because of the growing numbers of open-loop drives operating in the low-speed region, the synthesis of accurate output voltages has become an important issue where low-cost implementation plays an …

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PWM Voltage and Current Control of Four-Leg VSI

PWM Voltage and Current Control of Four-Leg VSI Salem M. Ali Institute of Control & Industrial Electronics Warsaw University of Technology ul. Koszykowa, 75 00-662 Warsaw, Poland [email protected].

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Fast Calculation of Electromagnetic Forces in IPMSMs Under PWM VSI …

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method for fast calculating the electromagnetic forces in interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs) under pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI) supply based on the small-signal time-harmonic finite element analysis (THFEA), which has been successfully utilized for fast …

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Carrier-based PWM-VSI overmodulation strategies: analysis, comparison

Abstract: In this paper, the overmodulation region voltage-gain characteristics and waveform quality of carrier-based pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) methods are investigated. Through detailed analytical study, voltage-gain characteristics are extracted independent of carrier frequency. The influence of blanking time and minimum pulsewidth (MPW) …

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Current Control of VSI-PWM Inverters

The inherent limitations of commanding voltages and currents in a three-phase load with an inverter are examined. An overview of several current controllers described in the literature is presented and computer simulations are used to compare performance. A switching diagram is developed which reveals some of the operating characteristics of hysteresis …

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Open Loop V/F Control of Induction Motor based on …

In this paper a three-phase voltage source inverter is used here to provide variable voltage and frequency supply required by AC drives. The Pulse width modulation technique …

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Space vector based synchronized PWM strategies for field …

The sinusoidal PWM method and space vector PWM method used in VSI fed induction motor are studied, and also, the comparison between them is studied and analyzed. These methods have advantages in ...

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PWM-VSI Fault Diagnosis for a PMSM Drive Based on the …

For the purpose of increasing the reliability in a hostile environment, techniques of fault diagnosis have been reported for a three-phase voltage-source inverter (VSI). Based on the average current Park's vector method, this paper proposes a fuzzy-based fault diagnosis method for the VSI in the three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous motor …

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PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive | Advantages

The PWM VSI Induction Motor Drive has following advantages: Smooth acceleration due to absence of low speed torque pulsations. Good adhesion due to fast dynamic …

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Optimum design and test of a snubberless IGBT PWM-VSI …

A new optimum design method for a snubberless IGBT PWM-VSI inverterbridge is proposed and verified by simulations and tests. The design method is based upon optimizing the ratio between the output capability of the power devices and the power losses in the devices. The snubberless concept dissipates all the energy in the devices …

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A CB-PWM Technique for Eliminating CMV in Multilevel Multiphase VSI

Abstract: A generalized carrier-based pulsewidth modulation (CB-PWM) scheme is proposed here for the elimination of common-mode voltage (CMV) in a multilevel multiphase voltage source inverter (VSI). In this CB-PWM scheme, the switching function of x-level q-phase VSI is obtained from the switching function of virtual y-level and ( y +1) …

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A theoretical study of neutral point voltage balancing …

This paper investigates the neutral point voltage balancing problem in three-level NPC PWM VSI theoretically. Current vector is introduced to model the disturbance of NP voltage due to middle voltage vectors and small voltage vectors. The ripple of NP voltage is consisting of two parts, one is low-frequency and the other is high frequency. The low …

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A series resonant sinewave output filter for PWM VSI loads

Modern industry installations using power electronic conversion systems are requiring improvements in the loadside output voltage waveshape to meet demands of various operating load conditions. This paper reveals a novel series resonant sinewave output filter apparatus inserted between a pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source …

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Improved modulation techniques for PWM-VSI drives

PWM-VSI based AC motor drives have two main problems. The inverter is nonlinear which causes instability problems in some specific working points of the AC machine and it emits acoustic noise due to the switching frequency. Nonlinearities like dead-time in the inverter, load dependent DC-link voltage ripple and the voltage drop across the switches are …

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